Statement – LGB Alliance Australia welcomes Queensland Health Directive

29 January 2025

Statement – LGB Alliance Australia welcomes Queensland Health Directive

LGB Alliance Australia (LGBAA) welcomes the Queensland Government’s decisions to:

  • Halt the expansion of Queensland Children’s Gender Service (QCGS) – 4 January 2025.

  • Pause the intake of new patients under the age of 18 years.
    Instigate a health service investigation into the provision of paediatric gender services in Cairns.

  • Commission an independently led broad review of the evidence for Stage 1 and Stage 2 hormone therapies for children in Queensland.

A core objective of LGBAA is to protect children who may grow up to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

We believe young people, including those who are gender non-conforming, deserve access to quality, evidence-based healthcare rather than care shaped by ideology.

The UK Cass Review—a comprehensive four-year study into the National Health Service (NHS)— found that the vast majority of children with gender distress resolve it as they mature and usually (but not always) grow up to be LGB. In addition, most of the young people going to gender clinics are same-sex attracted.

Notably, the Cass review concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgeries for those children and adolescents experiencing gender distress.

The Review found these interventions do not alleviate distress in those young people. Given the serious risks these interventions pose to children’s physical and mental health, it is extraordinary that they have been permitted to continue for so long.

Our goal is to end these practices throughout Australia and ensure that healthcare is grounded in robust evidence rather than ideology.

We endorse the Queensland Government’s decision to formally consider the growing international evidence against these approaches and to look to countries like the United Kingdom, Finland, and Sweden, which are leading the way in ensuring evidence-based, quality care.

Our young lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals deserve no less.

LGB Alliance Australia (LGBAA), a branch of the non-partisan world-wide network called LGB Alliance. We are Australia’s largest organisation that is dedicated solely to advocating for the rights of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals; we have members from all over Australia and are incorporated in NSW.

LGB Alliance Australia formed in response to concerns that legacy ‘LGBTQ+’ organisations are failing to represent the interests of lesbian, gay and bisexual people.

We have 2000+ supporters and are growing fast. Many LGBAA members have raised concerns about the cultural phenomenon relating to gender identity and increase of gender dysphoria.

The LGBAA publication Gay Conversion 2.0 documents how a previously cautious, ‘watchful waiting’ approach was replaced with a narrow focus on gender affirmation. We believe this shift has harmed many young, gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals, especially those who are gender non-conforming.

Queensland Government Health Directive - Treatment of gender dysphoria in children

LGB Alliance Australia


MSAC Consultation Survey - Application 1754


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